God’s Home, My Heart:

and Tribute to Our Vietnam Veterans

In my heart, I feel Jesus He never leaves me alone. I awaken each morning Listening to the birds and the bees I love hearing Him whisper Through the flowers and trees.

God's Home, My Heart Mockup


About The Author

Walter Wheat, a decorated Vietnam veteran who has both felt and witnessed the love of God throughout his lifetime

About The Book

This inspiring book is a gentle reminder to believers that our Savior is everywhere and in everything.


About The Book

God’s Home, My Heart: and Tribute to Our Vietnam Veterans

The Book Walter Wheat, a decorated Vietnam veteran who has both felt and witnessed the love of God throughout his lifetime, shares a new collection of heartfelt, inspirational poems that touch on the emotions and tribulations we often feel while in God’s presence.


heartfelt collections

inspirational poems that touch on the emotions and tribulations we often feel while in God’s presence.

Oh, Those Days! Memories Through Poetry

Now in his 70th year of life on God's earth, Walter A. Wheat has lots of memories to share. As a child, Walter grew up in the country and around the farms.

Around the Barn: Poems to Think About

The old barn was his iconic shelter and headquarters for playing hide-and-seek or cowboys and Indians, among the neatly stacked bales of hay.

Right on Time: Poems for the Right Moment

When we say "Right on Time" we are speaking of that precise moment when something should be said in gratitude of, or for appreciation for a special remark.

Sincerely from My Heart: Poems for Contemplation

In life, one finds obstacles and barriers that hinder the progression of happiness. Occasionally these obstacles cause us to fall or become distracted.

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